
On Wednesday, June 11 2014, we had another great excursion with our Artists / Theorist in Residence and some of the local artists. This time, we spent a beautiful summer’s day in Graz, the thriving capital of Styria.

Our day began at Künstlerhaus Graz, where curator Christian Egger guided us tour through the current exhibition “Chat Jet (Part Two)”. After a nice lunch in one of Graz’s shady backyards, we visited the Grazer Kunstverein and artistic director Krist Gruijthuijsen gave us the grand tour.

In the afternoon, we met the editor of Camera Austria, Christina Töpfer. She showed us around the premises and we had the possibility to see the current exhibition “once documentary”. Finally, we visited Kunsthaus Graz and Katharina Grosses installation “Who, I? Whom, you?”