“A Rap on Race Revisted“ I Petra Ponte I Curator in Residence 2016

July 7, July 18 and 19, 2016
Hegelgasse 14, 1010 Vienna

A three-part program, curated by Petra Ponte, resonated and ruminated the thought-provoking 1970s conversation between the acclaimed black novelist, essayist, playwright, poet and social critic James Baldwin (1924-1987) and the celebrated white anthropologist and long-time curator of the American Museum of Natural History Margaret Mead (1901-1978). “A Rap on Race Revisited” presented performative dialogical reading sessions of the transcribed conversation by Patrick Bongola and Krõõt Juurak as well as contemporary re-actions in order to enable a working and thinking through how the words of James Baldwin and Margaret Mead, voiced in the USA in the summer of 1970, can speak (again) in Vienna in the summer of 2016. At the same time the program made room for unscripted conversations, feelings, thoughts and disputes that would be dragged out along with this re-liveness.

For further information follow this link: A Rap on Race Revisited