In the 13th edition of our monthly series, Karl Salzmann (artist and Co-founder of Zentrale) talked to our current Artists in Residence TinTin Patrone and Mario de Vega about their site specific installations “Universal Humming” and “Study for Refraction and Rotary Motion”. Moreover, they discussed about relations within their body of work and performed some sound-pieces.

In cooperation with Zentrale. Raum für Klang und Prozesskunst, studio das weisse haus has invited the artist for a two-month residency in order to present her project “Universal Humming” from April 12 to May 11 at Zentrale, located in Neulerchenfelderstrasse 52, 1160 Vienna.

studio das weisse haus has invited the artist to realize the site-specific sound installation “Study for Refraction and Rotary Motion” for the circular exhibition space in Hegelgasse 14, 1010 Vienna. Sound understood as a phenomenon that can be perceived acoustically and through visual representation is exemplified in this piece.